Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Dangerous Church

Dangerous Church is our current series -what does that mean you ask? That sounds like an oxymoron right? Dangerous/Church?? Dangerous Church is about us taking risks to Live out Gods intention for the Church and bringing hope to our schools and community.
Dangerous Church in The New Testiment
  • We’re called to leave everything to follow Christ.
  • We’re invited to believe God for the impossible.
  • We’re told to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us.
  • We’re told that to find our life we have to lose it first.
What if we worked together to bring the Hope of Christ to our school -to tell others about God?
Homework for stainless!! We are called to be like Jesus!! So the question is: what is the most important thing to Jesus? And find scripture to back it up!! Have it for next Wednesday!

Time to re-start this Blog

Its been awhile since we have used this blog but I am excited to kick it off again. Writing is something I really enjoy but have let life get in the way!! Praise God he has blessed Dan and I with great Youth Workers to help us further our ministry and branch off into some new (or left) areas. I hope this blog helps us stay connected with what is happening and be a great resource to all.