Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Baptism weekend is coming up. Alot of us are unsure of what baptism is actually for and why we should do it. At LifeChurch/Stainless we believe water baptism is a symbol of the cleansing power of the blood of Christ and a testimony to our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. I realize that sounds a bit overwhelming so let me break it down.
1. Its a symbol of the cleansing power of the blood of Christ
Christ died for our sin -if we have accepted him as our savior it is through his blood our sins were forgiven. God sent his son to die for our sins. We are washed clean (Stainless) through that Sacrifice. When we are baptized it is a public showing of that cleaning in our lives.Our old self goes in the water our new self comes out clean!
2. Its a testimony to our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
It is an act of obedience to Christ as an acceptance of the gift of grace offered by Jesus Christ. Christ has washed us clean and by publicly demonstrating this we are acknowledging our acceptance of Him for others to see.

Youth I know Many of you accepted Christ as Savior of your lives and many of you have re-dedicated your lives recently. I want to encourage you all to take this step. Saturday November 12th at 5:30 would be a great time to do this before small groups, Sunday the 13th is also available for baptism at services either 8:45 or 10:30. You will meet with Dan 1/2 hour before service and he will baptize you. We need a commitment ahead of time and we have an information packet for you. Please sign up by contacted me (Nellie) through e-mail, facebook or seeing me this Wednesday or Saturday at youth.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Dangerous Church

Dangerous Church is our current series -what does that mean you ask? That sounds like an oxymoron right? Dangerous/Church?? Dangerous Church is about us taking risks to Live out Gods intention for the Church and bringing hope to our schools and community.
Dangerous Church in The New Testiment
  • We’re called to leave everything to follow Christ.
  • We’re invited to believe God for the impossible.
  • We’re told to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us.
  • We’re told that to find our life we have to lose it first.
What if we worked together to bring the Hope of Christ to our school -to tell others about God?
Homework for stainless!! We are called to be like Jesus!! So the question is: what is the most important thing to Jesus? And find scripture to back it up!! Have it for next Wednesday!

Time to re-start this Blog

Its been awhile since we have used this blog but I am excited to kick it off again. Writing is something I really enjoy but have let life get in the way!! Praise God he has blessed Dan and I with great Youth Workers to help us further our ministry and branch off into some new (or left) areas. I hope this blog helps us stay connected with what is happening and be a great resource to all.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Wednesday June 9th

Mike read the story of a man that told about Christian being persecuted for their faith then Dan asked are we willing to give up everything for God? we often are afraid of saying Yes to Gods call because we are afraid of what he may ask of us - we he make us give things up that we enjoy, will we be asked to leave our family and friends, will God send us to Africa? God is a rewarder He is the most giving and loving Father their is, Every Good and Perfect Gift comes from God. We often find that when we say yes to God the things we were afraid he might tell us to give up -we don't want anymore. Dan stated he never knew anyone to truly say Yes to God and follow his leading to regret the stuff they gave up. Are we like the rich man who told asked Jesus what he must do and walked away when Jesus replied sell everything, give to the poor and follow me. What fears do we hold keeping us from saying Yes to God? What are we afraid to give up?

Monday, May 24, 2010

Survivor winners

6 week Survivor came to and end last Wednesday with it being any teams game.....but Mighty Ducklings pulled through in the end and won a night of bowling with their team and youth leaders!! We had a great time and look forward to our next four weeks leading up to Summer Kick off on June 23rd. Make your own Sundaes Luau!! Wednesday the 23rd from 6-9 high school bring chips or drinks and middle school bring ice cream topping.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Daily Bible

This Past on Tuesday in your daily Bible and this coming week on Tuesday the scriptures talk about the Living Water. As I talk to many youth I hear about the loneliness, emptiness, dis-content, and unhappy. Have we found the Living water? Are we thirsting no more? God wants to come into our lives and fill us leaving us empty, lonely and discontent no more. Maybe we asked him to come into our lives but are we truly allowing him in? Or are we still trying to fill ourselves with things of this world? Let God in your heart. Let him in your life. He will fill us and we will thirst no more!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Survivor week 3

Week 3 kicked off with the bubble game - Yeah Maddie for winning in record time!! Our moon light game ended when all lights had successfully been, not turned on, but blown to pieces, maybe the rubber baseball was too hard of an object to throw at them, the game sight did recommend bean bags!!! The teams worked together to keep a feather in the air and proved more difficult then we would have thought but it was still alot of fun!! Service kits were the group project this week each team came up with a kit that the could collect items for and assemble next next week - hygiene kits, new baby kits, project blessing kits, etc. will be donated to different organizations in our local area. Blue team received a special challenge this week, each team member to bring snack next week gets extra points for their team!
Teens make sure your working on your verse and Bible reading!! I John 5:5!