Thursday, June 10, 2010

Wednesday June 9th

Mike read the story of a man that told about Christian being persecuted for their faith then Dan asked are we willing to give up everything for God? we often are afraid of saying Yes to Gods call because we are afraid of what he may ask of us - we he make us give things up that we enjoy, will we be asked to leave our family and friends, will God send us to Africa? God is a rewarder He is the most giving and loving Father their is, Every Good and Perfect Gift comes from God. We often find that when we say yes to God the things we were afraid he might tell us to give up -we don't want anymore. Dan stated he never knew anyone to truly say Yes to God and follow his leading to regret the stuff they gave up. Are we like the rich man who told asked Jesus what he must do and walked away when Jesus replied sell everything, give to the poor and follow me. What fears do we hold keeping us from saying Yes to God? What are we afraid to give up?

1 comment:

  1. Well said Nellie. {Nellie or Julie?} I would have to say "what I have left" as what I would not give up.
    I haven't exactly been telling anyone but Julia and Malikai and Meg kind of know, Julia knows a bit more but my parents are getting divorced an my dead is engaged to someone else (and he's still married)!
    We're going to loose the house because my mother has no money and my dad refuses to pay child support. So lately, I have been having a hard time. :(
